Use "laid off him|lay off him" in a sentence

1. Lay off him.

2. Feldman ripped him off.

3. I pushed him off.

4. Something the boy said to him teed him off.

5. Police handcuffed him and hauled him off to jail.

6. I watched him drive off.

7. Can you shake him off?

8. Peremptorily she cut him off.

9. She brushed him off impatiently.

10. Get that light off him.

11. Something strange, him acting off.

12. She's better off without him.

13. She let him sod off.

14. They've taken him off to hospital to stitch him up.

15. I paid him off in full.

16. She told him to sod off.

17. I wonder what scared him off.

18. The movement threw him off balance.

19. The impact knocked him off balance.

20. You were gonna bump him off.

21. Doctor cleared him, but no lift-off.

22. The manager escorted him off the premises.

23. The sudden movement threw him off balance.

24. I kept telling him to get off.

25. I can hold him off for days.

26. Anything could knock him off his perch.

27. I think she's better off without him.

28. 19 Yang : You can buy off him.

29. In the morning I saw him off

30. He ran off, did you see him?

31. Lack of excitement was throwing him off.

32. 7 Pneumonia carried him off last week.

33. Lay off bullying Jack.

34. Lay off hitting me!

35. Soldiers had waylaid Postumus..., stunned him with a sandbag..., and carried him off.

36. Keep him on the move until he's dried off - if necessary, lunge him.

37. 19 She dragged him off to the concert.

38. They defied him to jump off the bridge.

39. After we took off I gave him coffee...

40. They dragged him off to the police station.

41. The referee ruled him off for rough attitude.

42. She sent him off with a little shove.

43. She defied him to dive off the bridge.

44. She fascinated him, both on and off stage.

45. His father ticked him off for his imprudence.

46. He fought off three men who attacked him.

47. The owl light had obviously scared him off.

48. Considering his ill health, they begged him off.

49. Hector fending off a MacIan sword from him.

50. 10 You get laid off.

51. You had to chase him off from where you were cordoning off the slip.

52. Kidnapper grabbed him, dragged him into the park shoe fell off in the struggle.

53. Just lay off, will you!

54. Try to cut him off at the traffic lights.

55. 11 I can fully understand him being pissed off.

56. I saw him hurrying off to catch his plane.

57. Cancer of the liver carried him off last year.

58. There was a large crowd to send him off.

59. Do you mean that she ran off with him?

60. We must get him off this political prisoner kick.

61. Della jumped off the table and went toward him .

62. She invented a fictitious boyfriend to put him off.

63. She stood alongside him and took off her apron.

64. Hitch told him to back off, then moved across.

65. Allow him pass off your triumphs as his own.

66. The policeman fought off two men who attacked him.

67. It is very shameful of him to show off.

68. Laid - off workers fall into penury.

69. And you took off without giving him his cut?

70. She put up her hands to ward him off.

71. The question threw him off balance for a moment.

72. He must lay off the kif.

73. She's still ticked off at him for brushing her off and going out with you instead.

74. We told him to fuck off, like, gave him a chance, but he wouldn' t go

75. Then, to help him not to forget, they cut his ears off before sending him away.

76. No, you'll just have to piss him off enough to bring him out in the open.

77. Well, you clearly pissed him off... enough to do this.

78. 7 How could you let him wander off like that?

79. Did Nancy want him to tip off the IRS confidentially?

80. I helped him take the wrapper off his candy bar.